Digital Forensics

Cell Phone Forensics

Avansic can perform cell phone and mobile device forensics, including collecting evidence from Android and iPhones as well as tablets. We have ongoing compatibility with new phones.

Through physical, logical, or file system collection using our Cellebrite tool, we can often retrieve:

  • Call times and durations
  • Text messages
  • Contacts
  • Photos and videos
  • Calendar
  • List of installed apps
  • Device ID capture

The amount of information retrieved depends on the make and model of the device as well as the collection method available for that device. Also dependent on these two factors is the ability to retrieve deleted information.

There are three types of collection: Physical, Logical, and File System. Physical collection is a forensic, bit-by-bit acquisition that allows for the most comprehensive extraction of data. It allows for data carving and is limited to Android or older (4 and before) iPhones. It may require rooting. Logical collection finds the active data and for iPhones, is similar to the backup process through iTunes. File System collection is performed by interacting with the operating system.

Avansic delivers the obtainable information to you in a comprehensive and searchable report. You can peruse this information or have our examiners narrow it down for you.

Avansic may be able to assist with collecting and examining information synced to the cloud through mobile devices. We can help you interpret mobile usage reports provided by the carrier and can also help collect and analyze other device tracking information, such as google maps timeline information.

Mobile device forensics starts at $450.


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