Data Production & Exports
There are three considerations for the export of a document set: the format, the method of delivery, and the receiving party (opposing party, clients, other experts, or other parties to the litigation).
Attorneys have a number of options when choosing the format of their production set, but most opt to receive a loadfile or TIFF files; native files, and PDF documents are also available. Consider that when converting to TIFF or PDF format, care should be taken with complex documents (such as Excel spreadsheets) in order to avoid generating thousands of undesired pages.
Avansic can endorse a production set with Bates numbers, confidential or privilege stamps, or any other identifying information during the production phase.
Depending on the size of the production set, documents can be delivered online (through a repository or secure file transfer) or via DVDs or hard drives. Data size and transfer speeds help determine which of these methods is the most efficient.
Avansic provides a free demonstration of iCONECT, which presents an ideal way to easily review documents from anywhere. This online review tool is user-friendly and only requires an internet connection and a web browser. Visit Avansic's Online Review page for more information.