ESI Processing & Filtering
The goal of ESI processing is to decrease a document set in a defensible manner. For a typical processing project, automated filters are applied to the data set to eliminate operating system and other non-user-generated data (otherwise known as “de-NISTing”). A data set is further narrowed by applying search terms, phrases, concepts, date ranges, data locations, and other client-specified factors. Note that Avansic’s gigabyte charge for processing begins after this step – initial data set size is only determined after de-NISTing.
Duplicate documents can be removed across custodians or from a particular custodian; this process eliminates files with the same content. Processing and de-duplicating an email set is significantly more complicated and requires expertise. Avansic typically de-duplicates email using email server tags or a combination of metadata fields within an email (i.e., to and from). Note that Avansic uses defensible de-duplication and filtering techniques – some programs have error rates close to 40%.
The data set can be TIFFed, related documents can be clustered, or near-duplication can be performed. The resulting data set is ready for production, conversion or review.
Avansic maintains a team of researchers ready to provide solutions for any unique processing projects and challenges – their expertise has allowed many of our clients to enjoy more effective and efficient projects. This includes specialists for Apple OSX, SharePoint, DropBox, Lotus Notes, NSF Files, Groupwise, Android and many other data formats.
When processing for digital forensics, a licensed examiner will work with you to find the specific data of interest. During processing, Avansic can perform data carving to look for deleted or broken files. Digital forensics is particularly helpful if there are a large number of unknowns, if the person of interest is technology savvy, or technological complexities exist – please visit the Digital Forensics page for more information.