eDiscovery Subscription Services
What is your best solution to handle eDiscovery projects?
Project scope, volume, timing, frequency, and other factors all need to be considered.
Simply answer the following questions to determine the best approach for you.
Do you currently subscribe to an eDiscovery subscription service now or do you have experience managing your eDiscovery projects?
Yes, we manage all of our matters in an eDiscovery platform
Yes, we have the expertise to manage our eDiscovery matters
Yes, and occasionally we need some support
No, we need help loading files and producing ESI
Avansic has a new and better solution for you to exert more control over your eDiscovery project. AvansicNOW eDiscovery Subscription Services was developed to fit that goal.
- Your own environment for processing, review, and production
- Fully hosted portal available anywhere
- Faster access to start reviewing documents
- Per-user pricing for unlimited projects
- A fixed cost - with no per GB charges
AvansicNOW eDiscovery Subscription Services provides those benefits and more, giving you all the features of outsourcing with the control of insourcing. Shift your entire IT burden - Avansic handles all the hardware and software concerns, and Avansic's CEDS Certified experts are available whenever project assistance is needed. Avansic is a proud iCONECT Hosting Partner.
Key Features
There are many aspects of AvansicNOW to support your eDiscovery projects and facilitate high-quality and efficient completion of tasks. Some of the benefits for you include:
- Self-service drag and drop loading of processed and native data
- Automated quality control during data import and productions
- Advanced analytics including continuous active learning, find similar, clustering, email threading, and near dupe
- Oversight AI technology to detect changing reviewer trends or mistakes
- Rapid load and production speed
- Pre-production checklists and self-service productions
- Default workflow including templates for viewing, coding panels, data download, and production

Core Functionality
Manage the core functions of the eDiscovery process your way, at your pace
- Data Loading - rapid processing of native, image and other load file types
- Search and Review - multiple coding panels, search term reports, and batching
- Production - handle images and redaction, native and pre-production views
- Reporting - statistical and graphical reporting, detailed user activity and database sizes

Achieve cost predictability and eliminate the need to invest in infrastructure
- Fixed cost
- No hardware or software to buy and maintain
- 24/7 secure access to your data
- Flexible storage with options to increase
- Migration of data from other systems (including legacy)